How to Buy Nadol ($NAD) Token​
Download MetaMask or TrustWallet
App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) for mobile, or for Mac or PC Buy Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in the app.
Select the NADOL ($NAD) token
Deposit BNB
Deposit BNB and swap to Binance Smart Chain
Send BSC
Send only BNB(BSC) to the contract sale address.
Private sale: 0.00005 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 24999.9 NAD Tokens (20000 + 4999.9)
Pre sale: 0.00006 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 16666.6 NAD Tokens
ICO Stage 1: 0.00009 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 11111.1 NAD Tokens
ICO Stage 2: 0.00012 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 8333.3 NAD Tokens
Please send only from your BEP-20 wallet address (eg. MetaMask Wallet, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect) Please don’t send from exchanges to avoid loss of your token.