How to Buy Nadol ($NAD) Token​
Download MetaMask or TrustWallet
App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) for mobile, MetaMask.io or TrustWallet.com for Mac or PC Buy Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in the app.
Select the NADOL ($NAD) token
Deposit BNB
Deposit BNB and swap to Binance Smart Chain
Send BSC
Send only BNB(BSC) to the contract sale address.
Private sale: 0.00005 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 24999.9 NAD Tokens (20000 + 4999.9)
Pre sale: 0.00006 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 16666.6 NAD Tokens
ICO Stage 1: 0.00009 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 11111.1 NAD Tokens
ICO Stage 2: 0.00012 BNB Send 1 BNB to get 8333.3 NAD Tokens
Please send only from your BEP-20 wallet address (eg. MetaMask Wallet, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect) Please don’t send from exchanges to avoid loss of your token.